IERE rite for presbyteral ordination

See the previous post relating to the ordaining of deacons in the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church (IERE) many of the phrases are the same -it’s possible I have not always translated them identically.


¶ The ordination of priests takes place during the Service of Holy Communion, using the following order.

The Bishop occupies his chair near the Lord’s Table. A Presbyter accompanies the Deacons (clothed in their own attire) who are to receive the Presbyterate, and kneels with them on the  step leading to the Sanctuary. In this provision, the Minister who leads the Service will begin the Communion Rite.

¶ After the Glory to God in the highest (page 147), the Presbyter who accompanies the Ordained, goes with them to the Bishop, who is seated in his chair, and presents them, saying:

REVEREND Father in Christ: I present to you these people that you see here, so that you admit them to the Order of the Presbyterate.

The bishop:

DECLARE that the people you present to us, are men capable by their doctrine and good manners, of exercising their proper ministry, for the honour of God and the edification of his Church.

The Priest:

I DECLARE them to be such, after having made the investigations that are required in these cases.

The Bishop, addressing the Congregation, says:

BELOVED LISTENERS: These are the men who, with the divine blessing, we propose to admit today to the sacred Office of the Presbyterate; because, after due examination, we have found nothing contrary to this purpose; rather, we take them to be legally called to the performance of their functions and ministry, and capable of it. But if any of you is still aware of any impediment or notable crime on the part of any of them, by virtue of which it is not lawful to admit him to this sacred Order, present yourself in the name of God, and make known such impediment or crime.

¶ [And if any notable crime or impediment are alleged, the Bishop shall dismiss the ordination of the accused person, until he has cleared him of the crime.]

¶ Then the Bishop (having recommended those who have been judged worthy of the Order, to the prayers of the Congregation), says, getting up:

HEAR, O Lord, our prayer.
R. And let our cry come to you.
V. Almighty God, giver of all goods things, by your Holy Spirit you have established various orders of Ministers in. your Church Look with kindness on these your servants called to the order of the Presbyterate; place them in such a measure of the truth of your doctrine, and adorn them with such purity of living, that they may by their examples and words serve you fully in this Ministry, for the glory of your holy name, and for the edification of the Church.
R. Amen.
V. For your mercy, O our God, you are blessed and live and govern all things for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

Now follows the Communion Service, page 148.
Ordination of Priests

READING from the PROPHETS. – Ezekiel, 3. 17 to 21.
Thus says the Lord: Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. You will hear, then, the word of my mouth, and admonish them on my behalf. When I say to the wicked, You will surely die; and you do not warn him or speak to him, so that the wicked will be warned of his evil way, so that he may live, the wicked will die for his wickedness, but his blood I will demand from your hand. And if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness and his evil way, he will die for his wickedness, and you will have freed your soul. And when the righteous turn away from his righteousness, and do wickedly, and I put a stumbling block before him, he shall die, because you did not warn him: in his sin he shall die, and his righteous acts which he has done shall not come to memory; but his blood will I demand from your hand. And if you warn the righteous, so that the righteous do not sin, and do not sin, he will surely live, because he was warned; and you will have freed your soul.

EPISTLE – Ephesians, 4. 7 to 13.

BROTHERS: To each one of you is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. And what went up, what is it, but had also descended first to the lower parts of the earth? He who descended, he himself is the one who ascended above all the heavens, to fulfil all things. And he himself gave some, certainly apostles; and others, prophets; and others, evangelists; and others, pastors and doctors; for the perfection of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for edification of the body of Christ; until we all reach the unity of faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, a perfect man, to the extent of the age of the fullness of Christ.

GOSPEL. – Matthew, 9. 36 to 38.

At that time: When Jesus saw the people, he had compassion on them; because they were scattered and helpless, like sheep that have no shepherd. Then he says to his disciples: The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few. Pray, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, to send labourers for his harvest.

OR THIS GOSPEL READING- John, 10. 1 to 16

At that time Jesus said: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter through the door, etc.
¶ After the ANTHEM of the season (pages 150-154), when the Bishop sits in his chair, he addresses these words to each of the ordinands:

BROTHERS: By reading and studying the Word of God you know the dignity and importance of the Ministry to which you are called. We exhort you now in the name of Jesus to remember that you must be nothing less than messengers, sentinels and stewards of the Lord, preaching, admonishing, instructing and shepherding his holy family.
Bear in mind, therefore, what a great treasure is entrusted to your care. The faithful are the sheep of the good Shepherd Jesus Christ, who redeemed them by his death, shedding his blood for them; the church or congregation to which you must serve is hisa spouse and his body: and if that church, or any of its members, suffer any detriment due to your lack of care, you can well understand that it would be a huge fault on your part, whose responsibility is very great before the Church, and much greater before God. So, consider carefully the purpose of your Ministry with regard to the children of God, and beware that your zeal does not falter, your diligence is not diminished, and your work is not interrupted; until all those who are put under your charge, come to share in that same faith and knowledge of God, and in that mature and perfect age in Christ, to exclude in your midst every error in religion, and every vice in conduct.
In addition, dear brothers, we ask you not to forget the spiritual needs of this country, where it has been your lot to exercise your ministry. Those who are outside of your communion, should not be outside of your love. Thus, remember those around you who are deceived by the seductions of error and are astray even today, like sheep without a shepherd. Seek those brothers of yours, as the Great Shepherd sought you, and urge you, if you value the safety of your souls, to return to the old paths and find refuge in the true sheepfold. Be brave, and do not be muted by any human fear. Lift up your voice like a trumpet, and shout and do not fear, lest you awaken any of those who sleep. Do not be alarmed of the derision, nor be discouraged if you are called to suffer some work. Tell the people of this country the glories of the ancient Spanish Church. Talk to them about its primitive purity and independence. Above all, direct them to the only Mediator and Advocate, whose prerogatives can not be usurped with impunity; and with all fidelity, with fervent love, with persevering prayer, exhort them to put their trust in him, in him alone. Do so, dear brothers, and be assured that if you seek it, God, your God will give you his blessing, and prosper your work in due time.
The excellencies and the difficulties of your Ministry will make you understand how necessary it is that you continually ask God to grant you His Holy Spirit. And as you can not take such a great work  to its desired outcome; finish, if only by your word accompanied by a life conformed to that word; Note how diligently you should read and study the Holy Scriptures, and what your intent should be so that your way of life and that of your families will be according to the model of the Scriptures themselves; for which you will seek to separate yourselves from all those things of the world that could bring pollution to your souls.

We have the sweet hope that you have considered and pondered beforehand these things within yourselves; and that you are fully determined, by the grace of God, to consecrate yourselves wholly to this Ministry to which you have found yourselves called; so that by prayer without ceasing to God the Father, through the intercession of his only begotten Son, obtain the heavenly help of the Holy Spirit, and become good and faithful workers of Jesus Christ, and pious models for the people to imitate.
Now, so that this Christian Congregation gathered here can also know your intentions and will regarding these things, and so that your promise itself can encourage you to the fulfillment of your duties, you will answer clearly the questions that, in the name of God and of his Church , we are going to make you.

The Bishop asks, addressing each of the Ordinands:

Do you judge yourself truly called, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the constitution of this Church?
Ordinand: This is what I judge.
Bishop: Are you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures are sufficient and contain all the doctrine that is required for eternal salvation by faith in Jesus Christ; and are you determined to draw from the Scriptures themselves what is needed to instruct the people, and not to teach as necessary for eternal health anything that can not be proved or legitimately deduced from the word of God?
Ordinand: I am so persuaded and such is my resolution by his grace.
Bishop: Will you put the greatest effort and faithfulness always into administering the doctrine,  the sacraments, and the discipline of Christ, as commanded by the Lord who is our Head, and is received in this his Church; and will you teach the people subject to your pastoral care, to keep and observe this same command with the greatest diligence?
Ordinand: I will so do with the Lord’s help.
Bishop: Will you be ready faithfully and diligently to reject  all erroneous and passing doctrines, contrary to the Word of God; and to advise and exhort in public and in private as much to the sick as to the healthy, whether within the bounds of your Congregation, or in any other sphere in which the Church will place you?

Ordinand: I will by the grace of God.

Bishop: Will you be assiduous in prayer and in reading the Holy Scriptures, and in those studies that will contribute to the greater knowledge of the Scriptures, without paying attention to the speculations of the world and of the flesh?
Ordinand: I will so strive with the Lord’s help.
Bishop: Will you apply yourself with great care to model and shape your life and that of your family on the doctrine of Christ, so that you and your family, as far as possible, give the Lord’s flock the most salutary examples?
Ordinand: I will so do by the grace of God.
Bishop: Will you, with all your strength, preserve and promote tranquility, peace, and charity among all Christians, and especially among those who entrust themselves to your care?
Ordinand I will so do with the Lord’s help.
Bishop: Will you obey and respect your Ordinary, and the other Ministers of the Church, to whom he has entrusted the task of governing you, offering you his heartfelt advice and with joy also submitting to his pious judgments?
Ordinand: I will so do by the grace of God.

¶ Then the Bishop, standing, says:

GOD omnipotent, who has given you the desire to do all this, grant you also the strength and the power to do it, and bring to perfection this work that he has begun in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then he will admonish the Congregation to pray in secret that God may give his grace to the Ordinands; and to make room for this supplication, silence will be kept for a short time.

Then, kneeling the Ordained, and standing others, will read or sing, alternating between the Bishop and the Congregation, 
VENI CREATOR [words in translation can be found in hymnbooks -so not translated here]

Then the Bishop will pray in this manner:

Almighty God, heavenly Father, by whose kindness and immense charity for us, you have given your beloved and beloved Son Jesus Christ, so that he might be our Redeemer and the Author of eternal life; who having consummated our redemption with his death, and after his ascension into heaven, sent  throughout the world his Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Doctors and Pastors, for whose work and ministry an immense flock gathered in all the countries of the world, to publish everlasting praises to your holy Name. For these great benefits of your eternal goodness, and for having deigned to call these your servants, here present, to the Ministry that you have instituted for the perfection of the saints and edification of the body of your Church, we give you the warmest thanks, we praise you and we adore you. And we beseech you humbly, by your blessed Son, you will grant to those here or elsewhere who invoke your holy name, that we will show ourselves always recognized by this and your other benefits, and that we daily grow more and more in the knowledge and in faith in You and in your Son, by the Holy Spirit; so that not only by means of these your Ministers, but also by means of all those that are in their care, your exalted name be eternally glorified, and your holy kingdom be extended.

R. Amen.
V. For your mercy, O our God, you are blessed and live and govern all things for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

Once this prayer is over, the Bishop and those Presbyters who are present will place their hands on the head of each of the Ordinand Presbyters, who are kneeling; and the Bishop says:

RECEIVE the Holy Spirit for the Office and Ministry of the Presbyter in the Church of God, which is now committed to you by the laying on of our hands. According to the words of Christ; for whom you remit sins, they are remitted; for those whom you retain them, they will be retained. Be a faithful dispenser of the Word of God and the holy Sacraments. In the name of] Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then the Bishop will give each of them a Bible, saying:

RECEIVE the faculty to preach the Word of God, and to administer the holy Sacraments in the Congregation in which you are legitimately placed.

Then, aided by a Priest, he will vest each one of the newly Ordained with a scarf or Stole, placed on the shoulders hanging in front.

After this, the SERMON will take place, which will deal with the Office and duties of the Priest.

¶ After the Sermon, the Service of Communion continues, page 154, with the Bishop directing the Service.

All newly Ordained will remain during the Service, and receive Holy Communion.

Omnipotent and merciful FATHER! We beg you to pour out your heavenly blessing on these your servants, so that they may be clothed with justice, and so that your Word uttered by their lips may have such a happy outcome that they may never speak in vain. Grant us also grace as means of our sanctification to hear and receive all that they teach -being taken from your written Revelation or in accordance to it- that in all our words and deeds we may seek your glory, and the advancement of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.
V. Go before us, O Lord, in all our doings with your kind favour, and move us with your continued help; so that in all our works, begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name, and finally attain eternal life.
R. Amen.
V. For your mercy, O our God, you are blessed and live and govern all things for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

If on the same day there should be some ordained Deacon and others Presbyter, after the Glory to God on high, the Diaconal Ordinands will be presented to the Bishop first, and then the Presbyteral Ordinands.

For the Epistle, Ephesians, IV. 7 to 13; and for the Gospel it will be permissible to read Matthew, 9. 36 to 38, or Luke, 12. 35 to 38.

After the Prayer of thanks, and before the final hymn, the first of the two last Prayers of the Office of Presbyters shall be read.

IERE service for ordaining Presbyters.

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