An environmentally-attentive liturgy for learning together

This is imagined to be used with online learning events and potentially at IRL events where concern for the climate emergency is in mind. It is envisaged that the first section of the order of prayer is used at the beginning and then the majority of the session takes place and in the last five minutes or so the final prayers would be used to round of the event.

Regular typographical conventions stand: bold for words said together, italics for comments or instructions –‘rubrics’- ordinary type for words said by a single voice (the prayer leader or leaders). In addition, there is the use of “ … “ to indicate times where a quiet pause is encouraged. Sometimes it may be useful to encourage short, relevant, extempore vocal contributions which pick up the theme of the prayer at that point.

We come with faith:
and we seek understanding.
We come with doubts:
and we seek understanding
We come with hope:
and we seek understanding.
We come with griefs:
and we seek understanding;
Of our own hearts and misdesirings:
we seek understanding.
Of your ways and will:
we seek understanding.
For pre-empting the dangers of this present darkness:
we seek understanding.
For living out your call to creation care:
we seek understanding.
Of your lore in the thoughts of our conversation partners:
We seek understanding.

-scriptures, discussion, reflections …

The world is charged with your grandeur, O God:
It flames out, like shining from shook foil.
We lift our hearts:
For your Spirit is with us.
You remember we are but dust
Tenderly you hold us
You know us with compassion and mercy
Hallowed be your name.

We briefly recall the glimpses of God’s goodness, grace and love that we have heard during the previous time together.

We grieve for fraying the web of life we love.
We rail at the losses we contemplate.

We place before God the losses and concerns which we hold in our hearts at this moment …

Transform our prospects
Turn our grief to solidarity

Still the Breath of Life over the bent world broods
with warm breast and bright wings

The work before us is daunting and hard.
Provision us for the labour
As we set our hands to remedy human ill.
Equip us and strengthen us
To lean into the flourishing of life on earth.

We long for words of comfort,
yet find them hard to hear.
Knowing we are emmeshed in the harming of your creation,
Redeem our failures
Bind up the wounds of past mistakes.
Recycle your forgiveness of us
Into our forgiveness of others.

Rework our anger as energy for repair of the world
Refashion our guilt as active love.

And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
Wherever we will tread is crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God.



(with acknowledgements to Gerard Manley Hopkins, Elizabeth Barret Browning and Common Worship)

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