A questionnaire on social prayer

What happened and and How During March and April 2015, I Tweeted to likely accounts (like @C_of_E, @247Prayer and other church related organisations national and local) and then invited, by personal message, known Christian contacts related to my Facebook account. These were invitations to go to a survey hosted on Qualtrics.com where 14 questions were […]

Liturgy and “Vain Repetitions”?

I have sometimes had conversations with Christians from ‘free’ churches who dismissed my involvement in liturgy that involves set prayers. Informally, they often say something like, “We should pray from the heart. You can’t really mean a prayer that someone else has written”. If there is a scriptural backing for that stance it is usually […]

Worship as (performance) art

A useful looking online book whose subtitle says what it’s about: a theology of liturgical expression. When Christians gather for worship, they engage in a dialogue that runs in several directions. God speaks to the people; people speak to God; people speak to one another. … Because much of what yearns for expression in these dialogical […]

‘Multifaith spaces’ set for scrutiny

The project’s “theological as­so­ciate”, the Revd Dr Terry Biddington, Anglican Chaplain to the Manchester Higher Education Com­munity, said that he had sympathy with those who held that multifaith spaces in a single room were “radical impossi­bilities”. “The unspoken grammar” of a space in which to worship, with the accompanying actions, dress, and artefacts, meant that […]