HE Academy and HE chaplaincy

Introduction. The purpose of writing this is to set out the way that HEA fellowship  is designed in order to assess, briefly, how far such fellowship is congruent with the work of chaplains in HE. Beyond that it is hoped that this would give a broad sense of how chaplains might engage it and whether […]

Liturgy and the Olympic Opening Ceremonies

I’d not particularly thought about the difference between ceremony and liturgy before, but I find this helpful. Liturgies should not be confused with “ceremonies.”  Liturgies are not “events”–one-off bedazzling spectacles rife with ritualistic symbol.  I don’t deny that the Olympic opening ceremonies were an affective, symbolic enactment of a story.  But while that is a […]

How Important Might It Be for Religious Leaders to Wear Symbolic Garments? – Science and Religion Today

It has been fashionable to decry cermonial garb; however, we might be a bit more alert to some simple wisdom enshrined in the tradition… Enclothed cognition means that clothes can exert influence on the way the wearer feels, thinks, and behaves through the symbolic meaning associated with the clothes. Many pieces of clothing carry a […]

Worship Through a Child’s Eyes

Makes me wonder how best to recruit and maintain the ‘naivety’ of child ‘mystery worshippers’. This would also be a model for some theological students visiting strange-to-them worship events. What this doesn’t do much of is drawing out the understandings that are conveyed connotatively. This, it seems to me, is one of the hard things […]

How language transformed humanity

This mini-lecture is useful in outlining simply and easily an evolutionary biologigical approach to the origin of language in a way that makes connections with culture. There is a hint of a possible connection with mimetic rivalry. However, there isn’t really an actual genesis moment, just an explanation of why language makes evolutionary sense. The […]

Slow Food, Slow Church — Clayfire Curator

Slow church is a catchy way of thinking about it, the concept is not necessarily new; much of this is what we would hope to help liturgical leaders be formed into during training. Slow Church, then, means to be Church mindfully. It’s not about speed, necessarily; but to really think through what you’re doing and […]

Buildings, use of space, power and worship

Theology, ideology and the way that we build and use our corporate spaces interact. In the days of the Constantinian settlement, the newly established church took the Roman basilica as the model for its now-public buildings, rather than the house [one suspects, the dining room] that had been its previous abode. The basilica was a […]