Annotating Texts

JJames KA Smith has kindly shared his annotation techniques. His first piece of advice is the most important because in frames the rest: annotation is always determined by a telos: I mark up a book differently if Im teaching it vs. writing a review; similarly, my annotation will look different if Im reading the book […]

Worship Through a Child’s Eyes

Makes me wonder how best to recruit and maintain the ‘naivety’ of child ‘mystery worshippers’. This would also be a model for some theological students visiting strange-to-them worship events. What this doesn’t do much of is drawing out the understandings that are conveyed connotatively. This, it seems to me, is one of the hard things […]

Social Sciences Ethics Training online

A free e-course on research ethics. I note it here so that it can be found again. I have in mind some of the preparation for study things we’ve been talking about recently at college. It’s creative commons and the blurb says it’s start-stoppable and has comprehension exercises built in. Social Sciences Ethics Training – […]

Why Ministerial Reflection

Helpful reminder of why we should make time and effort to do theological reflection on ministerial practice. ministerial reflection is the crucial key to all of the work of ministry. For only through careful consideration can you put together pieces that otherwise seem disjointed, irrelevant, or confusing. Reflection enables you to weave the integrative thread […]

Tools for evaluating worship

I got to wondering whether there were any helpful or useful web resources for informing processes of reflecting on and evaluating acts of corporate worship. If you do a search, there seems to be a lot but not all of it is helpful in the kind of way that I’m thinking of. One issue is […]

Study study-skills online

here are a bunch of mini-modules here for self-study about how to study Skills – OpenLearn – The Open University. Some courses that may be of particular interest to theological and ministerial students folk are these: Essay and Report Writing Skills -helps you develop the skills you need to write effectively for academic purposes. Extending […]

Starting in a new church

The Alban institute are pretty helpful in resourcing practical theology: they produce a range of books that are focussed on ministerial issues and which are mostly helpful and insightful as well as theologically well-grounded.  Part of the offshoot of that is articles relating to books which are short and helpful in themselves. This is one […]