Tools for evaluating worship

I got to wondering whether there were any helpful or useful web resources for informing processes of reflecting on and evaluating acts of corporate worship. If you do a search, there seems to be a lot but not all of it is helpful in the kind of way that I’m thinking of. One issue is […]

Worship songs beyond naff

Do we fetishise music in worship? the current state of “worship songs” has been discussed many times and I’m in complete agreement that a) we use too much King James language b) we no longer lament c) we talk way too much about blood and penal substitutionary atonement d) we don’t speak of the bigger […]

Ancient AND modern, if you please

This is worth considering: AN ARTICLE in a newspaper in the United States took exception to new trends in church music: “Because there are so many new songs, you can’t learn them all. It puts too much emphasis on instrumental music rather than godly lyrics. This new music creates dis­turb­ances, making people act in­decently and […]

Confess songfully

I have been thinking how it is a shame that there is such a lot of Christian song-writing but how little of it actually helps us to do the liturgies together. This is because so much of it is actually about praise or how we’re feeling about God. There isn’t much that enables singing of […]