How Important Might It Be for Religious Leaders to Wear Symbolic Garments? – Science and Religion Today

It has been fashionable to decry cermonial garb; however, we might be a bit more alert to some simple wisdom enshrined in the tradition… Enclothed cognition means that clothes can exert influence on the way the wearer feels, thinks, and behaves through the symbolic meaning associated with the clothes. Many pieces of clothing carry a […]

Slow Food, Slow Church — Clayfire Curator

Slow church is a catchy way of thinking about it, the concept is not necessarily new; much of this is what we would hope to help liturgical leaders be formed into during training. Slow Church, then, means to be Church mindfully. It’s not about speed, necessarily; but to really think through what you’re doing and […]

In our minds eye as we plan …

It’s kind of obvious once you think about it, but it is worth reflecting on and making it a matter of conscious decision-making. The reality is that it’s simply a deliberate commitment to a pastoral awareness of who I am curating for. Another part of that process, particularly if I am working in a venue […]

Tools for evaluating worship

I got to wondering whether there were any helpful or useful web resources for informing processes of reflecting on and evaluating acts of corporate worship. If you do a search, there seems to be a lot but not all of it is helpful in the kind of way that I’m thinking of. One issue is […]

Worship as (performance) art

A useful looking online book whose subtitle says what it’s about: a theology of liturgical expression. When Christians gather for worship, they engage in a dialogue that runs in several directions. God speaks to the people; people speak to God; people speak to one another. … Because much of what yearns for expression in these dialogical […]